Getting to work with smart and talented people is the best part about my job.

Here are links to some of the people I’ve been fortunate to work with, as well as a few others whom I admire.


Wesley Bedrosian

Shawn Belschwender

Steve Brodner

William Brown

Jonathan Carlson

Gus D’Angelo

Lloyd Dangle


Johanna Goodman

Christiane Grauert

Fred Harper

Peter Hoey

Joel Holland

Greg Houston

Bill Koeb

Jon Kraus

Peter Kuper

Robert Meganck

Lloyd Miller

David Plunkert


Mark Todd

Gina Triplett

Robert Ullman

Jonathan Weiner

Michael Wertz


Christopher Bruns

Rebecca D’Angelo

Charles Steck

Pilar Vergara

Jamie Watts


Designers &
Project Managers

Jason Rothstein

Katherine Topaz

Jandos Rothstein, Editorial Design, Publication Branding and Design Journalism
Copyright 2005—2008, Jandos Rothstein
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