This Esquire page from a few years back exemplifies the trend towards layering information. It's appealing, but as it was probably designed over a period of months, has at least two assigned photos and only a half-ounce of text, it's beyond the capabilities of most small magazines. | ||||
When small magazines go for the "layered look" they often end up somewhere like herea couple of handout photos in a sea of text, redundant signage (like the section title (The Business) on the right, superfluous rules, and ads.... | ||
....Or here. In this case standing art duplicates text signage (if the stack of books effectively communicated that the column was a book review, the words wouldn't be necessary.) Also, the art overwhelms the text. The most colorful and interesting thing on the page is standing art. | ||||
Simplification--removal of the fancy signage and the addition of a little air focuses attention on the articles. This spread was typographically sound if not stellar, taking away distractions allows the content--what is unique to this specific issue--to sing. | ||
This page from CSO--one of the most effectively designed small b-to-b publications demonstrates how to do it on a budget. The Segway photo is a handout, but it's used large enough to add a little oomph to the page. The signage is attractive but doesn't overwhelm contents, and a little white space, along with airy leading, helps the page feel open. | ||||
A nice F.O.B. (front of book) spread from On Earth. This pair of pages has too much text, but the design makes the best of it with a dominant photo and elegant typography. NEXT | ||